Carlos Palacio at COP25: “The realistic and immediate solution to reduce the CO2 footprint in transport is the railway”

Carlos Palacio Oriol, Chairman of leading specialized rolling stock engineering company Talgo, which is focused on designing, manufacturing and servicing technologically differentiated, fast, lightweight trains, has participated along with the Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, in the conference “Innovative technologies in key sectors of decarbonization: The role of industry” as part of the COP25.
The event was moderated by Elena Salgado, president of AEC and former Minister of Economy, and was also attended by Ignacio Madridejos, CEO of FERROVIAL; Marcelino Oreja, CEO of ENAGAS; José Angel Rupérez, president of ECODES, Juan Manuel Gonzalez Serna, founder of CEREALTO SIRO Foods; and Alejandro Martinez Berriochoa, president of the EROSKI Foundation and director of Health and Sustainability of EROSKI.
During the event, participants addressed the role of industry as a way to protect communities, essential ecosystems and the global climate against increased environmental risks and emerging scarcity of natural resources. The speakers agreed on the need for industrial processes to contribute to sustainable development, understood as the type of development aimed at guaranteeing the satisfaction of the fundamental needs of the population and raising their quality of life, through the rational management of natural resources, promoting their conservation, recovery, improvement and appropriate use.
The Chairman of Talgo, Carlos Palacio Oriol, said: “We participate in COP25 to stress that the realistic and immediate solution to reduce the CO2 footprint caused by means of transport such as airplane or automobile is the railway. The direct way to maximize its efficiency and minimize the emission of greenhouse gases is to have light trains with advanced technical characteristics in terms of energy efficiency, such as the Talgos”.
Among other advantages that make Talgo trains more ecological, it is worth highlighting their lightness, since Talgo high-speed trains are up to 25% lighter than those of their direct competitors in the sector, which allows, among other characteristics, reducing its energy consumption by approximately 30% compared to other high-speed trains.
Talgo is a sponsor of the COP25 Climate Summit, which is being held in Madrid from 2 to 13 December.
A leader in sustainable transport
Talgo has claimed, since its foundation in 1942, the use of the train as a sustainable and efficient method of transport that vertebrates countries and connects people.
During his speech at COP25, Carlos Palacio Oriol showed Talgo’s firm position in the face of the climate emergency which, he assures, “has ceased to be a concept to become a reality. In Talgo we believe that the COP25 is an opportunity to reach ambitious and realistic agreements that will allow us to decisively tackle the situation without compromising economic development”.
The president of the company has added: “The path to a low-carbon economy is irreversible, and our contribution to achieving it dates back to the founding of our company 77 years ago. Since then, our commitment to manufacturing lightweight, energy-efficient trains has responded to the company’s compromise to provide railway operators with products that form the backbone of the territory, promoting development and improving connections between towns, while contributing to the sustainability of transport and preserving the environment”.
About Talgo:
Talgo S.A. is a leading specialized rolling stock engineering company mainly focused on designing, manufacturing and servicing technologically differentiated, fast, lightweight trains with industrial presence in seven countries: Spain, Germany, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia and United States. The Company is renowned worldwide for its innovation capacity, its unique technology and reliability. TALGO is the rolling stock provider for the Haramain high speed railway line between Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia.
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Aída Prados
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