Transparency, responsible communication and certification
Talgo is committed, during and after its corporate sustainability management, to respond to the due disclosure of its management and results to its stakeholders.
The final strategic axis of Talgo’s corporate sustainability is transparency and responsible communication with all its stakeholders.
The principles and commitments of this management are based on the Transparency and Responsible Communication Policy.
The exercise of due transparency and communication is mainly carried out through:
- The Corporate Sustainability Report and
- Corporate Web and Intranet
- Social networks and press releases.
As a company with a multinational vocation since its creation, Talgo has made competitiveness based on efficiency, quality and safety one of its key strategies.
In this regard, it considers that management systems and their formal and recurring certifications or evaluations are vehicles for generating trust and credibility for its stakeholders.
The following describes the systems that exist or can be used as a guide:
- ISO 9001: Quality Management system (certificate)
- ISO/TS 22163 IRIS: quality management in the railway sector (certified).
- UNE/EN 15085-2 welding of railway vehicles and components Classification level CLI.
- ISO 21500: standards for project, programs and portfolio management (reference framework).
- IPMA Delta Class 3: organization
- IPMA ICB 4LC: Personnel.
- Certificate of entity in charge of maintenance (AESF according to regulation (EU) 779/2019) (certificate).
- UNE-EN 50126: The specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS)”.
- Certificate of conformity assessment of its trains.
- ENAC 1337/LE2504 accreditation of the testing laboratory (according to ISO 17025) (certificate).
- ISO 14001: ISO 14001: environmental management system (certificate)
- ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 life cycle analysis (reference frameworks).
- ISO 45001: occupational health and safety management (certificate).
- ISO 21500: project management (reference framework).
- UNE 15896: Value-added purchasing management systems (certificate)
- ISO 20400: sustainable purchasing. (certification in progress).
- ISO 27001: information security management (certificate).
- ISO 26000: social responsibility. Biennial evaluation (certificate).
- ECOVADIS Certification. Recognition: silver medal
Sustainability management assessment
Talgo believes it is important to analyze and evaluate the management and results of value initiatives at an international or national level. (mainly Spain).
Through these channels, fundamental analyses (SWOT of the sector and STEER of the environment), “competitive and functional benchmarking”, “Merco Ranking” and strategic intelligence studies, improvements, innovations, trends and developments are identified in order to work and achieve the best progress towards Talgo’s advanced sustainability.
Every two years, Talgo evaluates its sustainability performance through an ISO 26000: Social Responsibility audit/assessment. The most recent process, conducted in 2023, showed more than 90% compliance with both the seven management principles and the seven material sustainability issues.
Talgo annually assesses its corporate sustainability management, in particular its responsible supply chain, through the international EcoVadis framework. The company was awarded the “Silver Medal” in the analysis process corresponding to 2023.
In this context, the results of the study on the quality of the information contained in sustainability reports “Informe Reporta”, carried out periodically by the CNMV, are also worth mentioning.
Sustainability Information Report Talgo's corporate website Ecovadis summary results evaluation and medal obtained