Quality as a raison d'être
Talgo is committed to quality as one of the pillars supporting its leadership position, both in the manufacturing and maintenance of rolling stock, as well as in maintenance equipment.

A non-negotiable value
Quality as a raison d’etre
We have a sound Quality Department System, which is certified according to ISO 9001 and the railway certification International Railway Industry Standard (IRIS).
Our Quality Policy rests on the following aims: to ensure full customer satisfaction with our products and services, to encourage a constant search for improvement, and to standardise our procedures so they may better adapt to the global and regional nature of our activities.
The continuous extension of our activities is directly linked to this concept, so one of the main goals of our Quality Department is to institute a common Quality System in all our work centres.
Our special procedures are monitored according to the most demanding levels of quality set forth by the railway industry. Thus, we are certified with a CL1 class according to standard EN 15085 for aluminium as well as steel welding control; and with class A1 according to standard DIN 6701 to control adhesive bonding activities. In both cases, Talgo has achieved the highest levels required by these standards.

Staff and inspection equipment
These levels are achieved thanks to our highly qualified staff, including welding and adhesive engineers, specialists, and non-destructive testing inspectors, who are certified according to standard UNE EN ISO 9712, and welding inspectors certified according to UNE 14618. We also possess the necessary inspection equipment needed to ensure a product’s quality. The following equipment can be highlighted:

- 3D Coordinate Measuring Machines: 3D CMMs both fixed and portable, total station and theodolites.
- Non-Destructive Testing Equipment (NDT): magnetic yokes, magnetic bedplates, ultrasound equipment.
- Mechanical Testing Equipment: tensile-compression machines, metallography equipment, hardness gauge.
- Inspection and Testing Equipment: colorimeter, glossmeter, standard dimensional control equipment (micrometers, callipers, flexometers, etc.) surface roughness testers, Rockwell, Brinell, Vickers hardness gauges,
- train weighing scales, gauges, chart recorders, oscillopscopes, clamp meters, thermometers, and thermographic cameras.
- Functional verification test bench.
- Dual-voltage catenaries 3000V/25000V and 400V.
- Dynanometric axles to carry out dynamic testing on running train.
- Gantries to carry out rain tests.