Talgo T350 trains exceed 300kph for the first time in Saudi Arabia

A Talgo T350 train today reached a speed of 310kph during the dynamic testing process underway on the Mecca-Medina very high-speed rail line, on a section between the King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC) and Medina. This is the first time that a train manufactured by the Spain-based company exceeds the projected commercial speed of 300kph to be sustained on what will soon become the first high-speed rail system of the Middle East.
This successful testing is a further step on the current deployment plan which devises Talgo trains to reach soon a top speed of 330kph, the final mark to overcome the train homologation process.
Dynamic testing is being carried out under extreme weather conditions, almost identical to those to be found during the commercial operation phase: a temperature of over 50ºC, plus desert sand and dust.
To endure under those harsh conditions, the T350 trains for Saudi Arabia have been designed ad hoc by Talgo and all of them mount a “desert pack”, a set of more than 30 technical developments which ensure full rolling stock availability and reduce and simplify maintenance activities.
Under the ongoing contract, Talgo is supplying SRO with 35 trains for more than 400 passengers each and which offer full accessibility to ensure a continued flow of travelers between Mecca and Medina. The company will also be responsible for their maintenance during no less than 12 years after the start of commercial operations.